This collaboratively created website and the accompanying interactive gallery installation is the work of many artists, writers, designers, community members, digital developers and funders.

High Muck a Muck Artist Collective
Nicola Harwood – project curator, website design, video
Thomas Loh – video
Fred Wah (FW) – text, oral history
Bessie Wapp – video, performance
Jin Zhang (JZ) – music, sound composition, oral history
Other Artists and Contributors
Agentic Digital Media – website development
Phillip Djwa – website producer, installation design, creative technologist
Haley Hunt-Brondwin – website design and development
Don Chow – sound editing
Hiromoto Ida – performance
Tomoyo Ihaya – website graphics
Karin Lee (KL) – oral history
Patrice Leung (PL) – video, oral history
Cameron Mah (CM) – oral history
Lawrence Mar (LM) – oral history
Simon Overstall – installation programming
Jim Preston – voice recording
Sid Tan (ST) – oral history
Martijn van Wageningen – additional photography
Andrea Yu – voice recording

Many historians, community members, publications and organizations provided invaluable contributions to this project.
Oxygen Art Centre, Miriam Needoba, Executive Director
Touchstones Nelson Museum Archives – Laura Fortier, Shawn Lamb, Archivists
British Columbia Archives
Kootenay Co-op Radio
Nelson Daily News
Claus Schunke, historian
Jim Andrews, poet
Museum Memo, Shawn Lamb
Nelson Daily News, Heritage News, Art Joyce
Diamond Grill, Fred Wah
Is a Door, Fred Wah
Victoria’s Chinatown, The Forbidden City by David Chuenyan Lai
Chinatowns, Towns Within Cities in Canada by David Chuenyan Lai
High Muck a Muck is a project of Oxygen Art Centre of Nelson, British Columbia, Canada and was generously sponsored by:
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $157 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country.
Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien. L’an dernier, le Conseil a investi 157 millions de dollars pour mettre de l’art dans la vie des Canadiennes et des Canadiens de tout le pays.
If you have feedback, comments or would like to get in touch with any of the artists please contact nicolaharwood77 [at] gmail [dot] com