High Muck a Muck: Playing Chinese is also an interactive gallery installation.

Users participate by stamping characters on the Pak Ah Pu lottery card
Then inserting the stamped card into a small cabinet.
The card is read and the reading stimulates projections of images, sound and text.
Every read is different.
A loop of 8 videos play when the game is not in progress.
Technical Requirements
Equipment to be supplied by exhibitor:
16:9 ratio projection area or screen. (8′-12′ wide)
Sound system with mixer and adaptors for computer.
4’ x 6’ table
Equipment supplied by artist:
Short throw projector with ceiling mount and cables
mac mini, keyboard and mouse
modified cabinet with webcam and lighting
pak ah pu cards and blotters
hanging scrolls
wall text and participant instructions as digital file
Space needed for Installation:
Wall area 10’-18’ wide for projection screen and scrolls.
Ceiling height 10′-12’.
Depth from wall, 80” for cabinet with computer and webcam
Viewing area to either side of cabinet.
4’ x 6’ table area for lottery card station.
Shipping and Installation Requirements
It is preferred that the artist(s) be present to install the work, however if this is not possible remote trouble shooting is available.
Only the modified cabinet will need shipping.